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ILiveFeeds Interface

Live feeds base client interface.

Namespace: Sportradar.SDK.FeedProviders.Common
Assembly: FeedProviderCommon (in FeedProviderCommon.dll) Version:
public interface ILiveFeeds : IStartable

The ILiveFeeds type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAvailableTranslations Language codes of the currently available translations.
Public propertyLastAliveMessage Get time when the last alive message from the server was received.
Public propertyLastServerMessage Get time when the last message from the server was received. This includes alive messages that are periodically sent.
Public propertyServerTime Get approximate server time.
Public propertySubscribedEvents All event ids we are currently subscribed to.
Public methodBookEvents Book the specified events. Booked events cannot be cancelled through this interface.
Public methodClearState

Clears complete state for this provider, that can otherwise be used in case of feed error recovery which can occur after every feed server reconnect or at initial SDK startup.

Public methodStart Start component.
(Inherited from IStartable)
Public methodStop Stop / shutdown component.
(Inherited from IStartable)
Public methodSubscribe Subscribe to specified events.
Public methodUnsubscribe Unsubscribe from the specified events. After this no more events associated with these event ids will be sent.
Public eventOnFeedError Signals that a feed error has occurred (e.g. we got disconnected from the feed server, XML message parsing error occurred).
See Also