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EventOdds Class

Match odds and corresponding odd fields.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Sportradar.SDK.FeedProviders.LiveOdds.Common
Assembly: LiveOddsFeedProvider (in LiveOddsFeedProvider.dll) Version:
public class EventOdds

The EventOdds type exposes the following members.

Public methodEventOddsInitializes a new instance of the EventOdds class
Public propertyActive Whether odds are active or not
Public propertyChanged Indicates if this odds type has been changed or not.
Public propertyCombination Contains information about combination of bets and can have values of 0 – 4, where 0 indicates unlimited combination, 1 indicates single bet and 2-4 indicates 2-4 combinations, respectively.
Public propertyForTheRest Contains the handicap value for the rest of the match in addition to the special odds value which reflects the handicap value for the whole match.
Public propertyFreetext The freetext as received from the server.
Public propertyId Unique identifier for this particular odds in this match, and will be used whenever this odds is sent out. This id will also be used when this odds is cleared.
Public propertyMostBalanced Marks the most balanced odds of an odds type.
Public propertyName Specifies the textual description of this odds (international value is freetext) (e.g. subtype="2" freetext="Which team has kick off?".)
Public propertyOddsFields Collection of odds fields. Odds types that are active contain odds fields, while inactive odds types do not. Key is represented by the odds type.
Public propertySpecialOddsValue Special odds values are specified only for some odds types like total, handicap and freetext3way/2way/nway. This indicates the total value, handicap value or freetext details respectively.
Public propertySubType Specifies with the freetext odds and tells what kind of freetext odds this is (e.g. subtype="2" freetext="Which team has kick off?".)
Public propertyType Odds type
Public propertyTypeId Odds type id that is the same for this odds type in all matches.
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToString Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
See Also