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Sportradar.SDK.Services.SdkConfiguration Namespace

Public classAppConfigFactory Configuration factory that understands app.config file format. It is focused only on specific section of the configuration file (i.e. section reserved for SDK) and is able to detect changes of the configuration in run-time.
Public classAppConfigWrapper Problem is that users cache the ISdkConfiguration instance they get, and app.config is a bit awkward as a new instance has to be obtained all the time using GetSection(). This is a wrapper so that the underlying section can change, but the client has just this instance cached.
Public classConfigurationElementFeed Base SDK configuration element for all feeds
Public classFeedConfig 
Public classFeedConfigServerType 
Public classHardcodedConfigFactory 
Public classPropertyValidators 
Public classProviderConfig 
Public classSdkConfigurationCommon SDK configuration element where common settings used throughout the SDK library are specified.
Public classSdkConfigurationDelegates Configuration delegates.
Public classSdkConfigurationDelegatesConfigReloadedDelegate Indicates that configuration has been reloaded/refreshed and might have changed. This is a good time for components to update their cached configuration settings, if any.
Public classSdkConfigurationDynamic SDK configuration element where settings for the server-side configuration service are specified (mostly access parameters).
Public classSdkConfigurationLcoo SDK configuration element with LCoO feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveFeed SDK configuration element where common live feed provider settings are stored (connectivity, rate limiters, etc.).
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveOdds SDK configuration element with LiveOdds feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveOddsBetPal SDK configuration element with BetPal feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveOddsBetTypes SDK configuration element with LiveOdds BetType data feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveOddsLivePlex SDK configuration element with LivePlex feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveOddsSoccerRoulette SDK configuration element with Soccer Roulette feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveOddsVbl SDK configuration element with LiveOdds VFL feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveOddsVdr SDK configuration element with LiveOdds VHC feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveOddsVfc SDK configuration element with LiveOdds VFC (virtual football cup) feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveOddsVfl SDK configuration element with LiveOdds VFL feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveOddsVhc SDK configuration element with LiveOdds VHC feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveOddsVirtual SDK configuration element with virtual gaming feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveOddsVto SDK configuration element with LiveOdds VFL feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationLiveScout SDK configuration element with LiveScout feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationMessageDispatcher SDK configuration element where Message Dispatcher settings are specified.
Public classSdkConfigurationOddsCreator SDK configuration element with OddsCreator feed provider settings.
Public classSdkConfigurationPersistentState SDK configuration element with Persistent State provider settings (SqLite database settings).
Public classSdkConfigurationSection SDK configuration section.
Public classSdkLiveConfiguration 
Public interfaceIConfigFactory Configuration factory interface.
Public interfaceISdkConfiguration SDK configuration.