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SdkConfigurationLiveFeed Class

SDK configuration element where common live feed provider settings are stored (connectivity, rate limiters, etc.).
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Sportradar.SDK.Services.SdkConfiguration
Assembly: SdkConfiguration (in SdkConfiguration.dll) Version:
public abstract class SdkConfigurationLiveFeed : ConfigurationElementFeed

The SdkConfigurationLiveFeed type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlertLogLevel Specifies log level threshold used while logging alert messages. Possible values are: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementFeed)
Public propertyBookmakerId Bookmaker (client) id.
Public propertyClientAliveMsgTimeout Client alive message timeout.
Public propertyClientInteractionLogLevel Specifies log level threshold used while logging client interaction messages. Possible values are: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementFeed)
Public propertyConfigLogLevel Specifies log level threshold used while logging configuration settings used by client (server and local). Possible values are: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementFeed)
Public propertyCurrentConfigurationGets a reference to the top-level Configuration instance that represents the configuration hierarchy that the current ConfigurationElement instance belongs to.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyDeadLetterLogLevel Specifies log level threshold used while logging dead letter messages. Possible values are: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementFeed)
Public propertyElementInformationGets an ElementInformation object that contains the non-customizable information and functionality of the ConfigurationElement object.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyEventRequestLimiterInterval MatchRequest limiter (interval).
Public propertyEventRequestLimiterNumber MatchRequest limiter (number).
Public propertyHostname Host name (overrides automatic defaults for servers)
Public propertyInsecure Whether insecure version of the connection provider should be used that doesn't check the SSL server certificate thumbprint. Implicitly set by SafeMode.
Public propertyInvalidDataReconnectWait Delay before we try reconnecting to server after we got invalid data.
Public propertyInvalidMsgLogLevel Specifies log level threshold used while logging invalid/corrupt messages. Possible values are: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementFeed)
Public propertyLockAllAttributesExceptGets the collection of locked attributes.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyLockAllElementsExceptGets the collection of locked elements.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyLockAttributesGets the collection of locked attributes
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyLockElementsGets the collection of locked elements.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyLockItemGets or sets a value indicating whether the element is locked.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyLoggingFeedName Prefix used to indicate feed
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementFeed)
Public propertyLoginLimiterInterval Login limiter (interval).
Public propertyLoginLimiterNumber Login limiter (number).
Public propertyMaxReconnectWait Delay before we try reconnecting to server after we got disconnected (max, overrides automatic defaults for servers)
Public propertyMaxRequestEventIds Max number of match ids that a client can specify in any request.
Public propertyMaxRequestTimeAllowance Maximum amount of time for request response
Public propertyMaxServerTimestampAge Server timestamp is only usable to us if it is not outdated so that we can interpolate between two successive server timestamps.
Public propertyMaxTimeSkew Maximum time difference between local time and server time. When detected time skew is over this limit the connection to the server will be immediately dropped and a reconnect attempted. Usual time skew values should be:
  1. 10 minutes when no time synchronization is performed
  2. 5 seconds (if NTP protocol is used for time synchronization)
  3. TimeSpan.Zero means the setting is off (which is the default in SafeMode)
Public propertyMinReconnectWait Delay before we try reconnecting to server after we got disconnected (min, overrides automatic defaults for servers)
Public propertyPort Port number (overrides automatic defaults for servers)
Public propertyReceiveBufferSize Receive buffer size for one line of message (overrides automatic defaults for servers)
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementFeed)
Public propertyReceiveTimeout Amount of time to wait for (socket) receive operation to complete successfully.
Public propertyRequestLimiterInterval Request limiter (interval).
Public propertyRequestLimiterNumber Request limiter (number).
Public propertyRestartOnParseError If true, the feed will reconnect on any parse error
Public propertySchemaValidationStrictness Schema validation strictness. 0 = OFF, 1=ON, 2=STRICT, 3=VERY_STRICT Default = 1
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementFeed)
Public propertySendTimeout Amount of time to wait for (socket) send operation to complete successfully.
Public propertyServerAliveMsgTimeout Server alive message timeout.
Public propertySSLThumbprint Optional SSL server certificate thumbprint (overrides automatic defaults for servers)
Public propertyStatsLogLevel Specifies log level threshold used while logging SDK statistics. Possible values are: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementFeed)
Public propertyTest Whether we should connect to development/test server instead of production one. Cannot be used for LiveOddsVfl and BetPal.
Public propertyTimeKeeperMaxSamples TimeKeeper should keep that many samples.
Public propertyTotalBufferSize Total message buffer size (overrides automatic defaults for servers)
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementFeed)
Public propertyTrafficLogLevel Specifies log level threshold used while logging incoming and outgoing traffic (live feed messages). Possible values are: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementFeed)
Public propertyUseSSL Whether SSL sockets should be used for communication (overrides automatic defaults for servers). Cannot be used for LiveScout.
Public methodEqualsCompares the current ConfigurationElement instance to the specified object.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public methodGetHashCodeGets a unique value representing the current ConfigurationElement instance.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodIsReadOnly
(Overrides ConfigurationElementIsReadOnly)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
See Also