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SdkConfigurationCommon Class

SDK configuration element where common settings used throughout the SDK library are specified.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Sportradar.SDK.Services.SdkConfiguration
Assembly: SdkConfiguration (in SdkConfiguration.dll) Version:
public class SdkConfigurationCommon : ConfigurationElement

The SdkConfigurationCommon type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBookmakerId Bookmaker id
Public propertyConfigLogLevel Specifies log level threshold used while logging configuration settings used by client (server and local). Possible values are: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
Public propertyCurrentConfigurationGets a reference to the top-level Configuration instance that represents the configuration hierarchy that the current ConfigurationElement instance belongs to.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyElementInformationGets an ElementInformation object that contains the non-customizable information and functionality of the ConfigurationElement object.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyExecutionLogLevel Specifies log level threshold used while logging SDK library code execution. Possible values are: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
Public propertyLockAllAttributesExceptGets the collection of locked attributes.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyLockAllElementsExceptGets the collection of locked elements.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyLockAttributesGets the collection of locked attributes
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyLockElementsGets the collection of locked elements.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyLockItemGets or sets a value indicating whether the element is locked.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public propertyLogging Indicates whether SDK logging should be enabled
Public propertyLogPath Root path where SDK logs will be stored (relative or absolute).
Public propertyMaximumFileSize A property that would be applied to all RollingFileAppender in SDK logs.
Public propertyMaxSizeRollBackups A property that would be applied to all RollingFileAppender in SDK logs.
Public propertyMaxThreadPoolThreads Maximum number of thread pool threads
Public propertyOldLogCleanupInterval Old log clean-up interval.
Public propertyOldLogMaxAge Old log max-age.
Public propertyQueueHighWatermark High watermark for all limited priority queue instances (number of items). Signals that a queue will soon reach its full capacity and that we should probably stop processing incoming messages until things calm down a bit.
Public propertyQueueLowWatermark Low watermark for all limited priority queue instances (number of items). Signals that a queue is getting filled up and that client may experience some additional latency in msg delivery.
Public propertyQueueMaxCapacity Capacity (max. number of items) that can be stored in any limited priority queue instance.
Public propertySafeMode Indicates whether "safe-mode" SDK components are used instead of normal ones.
Public propertyStatsLogLevel Specifies log level threshold used while logging SDK statistics. Possible values are: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
Public propertyUniquenessStrictness Verify whether we are the only instance running
Public methodEqualsCompares the current ConfigurationElement instance to the specified object.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public methodGetHashCodeGets a unique value representing the current ConfigurationElement instance.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodIsReadOnly
(Overrides ConfigurationElementIsReadOnly)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
See Also