Migrating to new SDK

To implement VFC in clean and user friendly way some breaking changes needed to be made on all older feeds API. Required changes should not take too much of development time but it depends on your current usage of the SDK. We apologize for any inconvenience this changes might have caused you.

To speed up the upgrade process we recommend you check out our updated SDK example project.

Changes required are listed bellow:

LiveOdds, LivePlex, VFL, VBL, VTO:
- Delete onRaceResultReceived method from listener, change all senders of type LiveFeed to LiveOddsFeed

- Delete onRaceResultReceived method from listener, change all senders of type LiveFeed, LiveOddsFeed to RaceFeed
- getLiveOddsVhc, getLiveOddsVdr return type changed from LiveOddsFeed to RaceFeed

-in listeners change all senders of type LiveFeed to LiveScoutFeed

-in listeners change all senders of type LiveFeed to LcooFeed