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LiveOddsWithOutrightsFeedProviderGetOutrightStatus Method

Requests the outright status for a given time ("current" server request). This includes odds, activation of odds and status for the ouright requested, current bet status and all bet clearing messages before the timestamp.

Namespace: Sportradar.SDK.FeedProviders.LiveOdds.Internal
Assembly: LiveOddsFeedProvider (in LiveOddsFeedProvider.dll) Version:
public long GetOutrightStatus(
	long outright_id,
	DateTime? from = null,
	bool package = true


outright_id  Int64
Outright id
from  NullableDateTime  (Optional)
Outright status on particular time (leave null for current outright status)
package  Boolean  (Optional)
All replies get packaged in one see OnOutrightStatus when true; else normal events will get invoked.

Return Value

Returns immediately with the request number or zero but expect to receive an event afterwards.


ILiveOddsWithOutrightsGetOutrightStatus(Int64, NullableDateTime, Boolean)
SDK already handles error recovery for on-going outrights, no matter whether there is a crash or connection to the server is lost, so during normal operation there should be no need to call this method! The purpose of it is for book-keeping after an outright has ended. For instance after an outright is not active anymore you might want to settle all open bets or check whether a outright is really about to start. Notice that the outright messages do not include a message number (msgnr). The received "state" is an abstract concept derived from the sent messages not any sent message so it cannot have a sequence number.
See Also