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IProtocolData Interface

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Sportradar.SDK.Common.Interfaces.IProtocolData"]

Namespace: Sportradar.SDK.Common.Interfaces
Assembly: Common (in Common.dll) Version:
public interface IProtocolData : ICloneable

The IProtocolData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBookmakerId Bookmaker ID
Public propertyBookmakerKey Bookmaker key
Public propertyEventRequestLimiter Limits the number of matches that a client can reference in a given time frame (get status, meta info, book, subscribe or error recovery).
Public propertyLoginLimiter Limits the number of logins a client can perform in a given time frame.
Public propertyMaxTimeSkew Max message timestamp skew. Zero to disable the check.
Public propertyRequestLimiter Limits the number of requests a client can send in a given time frame.
Public propertyRestartOnParseError If true, the feed will reconnect on any parse error
Public propertySchemaStrictness XSD schema validation strictness. Can be OFF, ON, STRICT or VERY STRICT
Public propertyScoutPassword Scout client password
Public propertyScoutUsername Scout client username
Public propertySendClientTimeInRequest Whether client UTC time should be included in every request message (LiveOdds).
Public propertySendClientVersionInLogin Whether client version should be sent in login.
Public methodCloneCreates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from ICloneable)
See Also