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IConnectionData Interface

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Sportradar.SDK.Common.Interfaces.IConnectionData"]

Namespace: Sportradar.SDK.Common.Interfaces
Assembly: Common (in Common.dll) Version:
public interface IConnectionData : ICloneable

The IConnectionData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCipherSettings SSL stream cipher settings.
Public propertyClientAliveMsgTimeout Client alive message timeout
Public propertyDisallowNonPrintableChars Should non-printable characters in the stream trigger a disconnect.
Public propertyDoValidityCheck Should connection provider do a quick validity check.
Public propertyEncoding Communication channel character encoding
Public propertyHostname Server name
Public propertyInvalidDataReconnectWait Delay before we try reconnecting to server after we received some garbage data
Public propertyMaxReconnectWait Delay before we try reconnecting to server after we got disconnected (max)
Public propertyMinReconnectWait Delay before we try reconnecting to server after we got disconnected (min)
Public propertyPort Server port number
Public propertyReceiveBufferSize Message line buffer size. Complete message line should fit in here.
Public propertyReceiveTimeout 
Public propertySendTimeout Amount of time to wait for (socket) send operation to complete successfully
Public propertyServerAliveMsgTimeout Server alive message timeout
Public propertyTotalBufferSize Total message buffer size. A complete XML message should fit in here.
Public propertyUseSSL Use secure sockets for communication.
Public methodCloneCreates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from ICloneable)
See Also