LiveData SDK - Bookmaker Sdk - Java (out of support)


1.27.0 (5/30/2023) recommended
LiveData update for Snooker
ScoutEvent extended with new properties: pointsUntilSnookerNeeded, pointsRemaining, reds, maxBreakFrame, maxBreakMatch, totalPitchCount, homeRunsHome, homeRunsAway, nextBatter, possibleBreak, firstBasePlayer, secondBasePlayer, thirdBasePlayer

1.26.0 (3/14/2023)
LiveData update for MLB.
ScoutEvent extended with new properties - FirstBasePlayer, SecondBasePlayer, ThirdBasePlayer, HomeRunsHome, HomeRunsAway, PrevPitcher, NextBatter, TotalPitchCount.

1.25.0 (1/26/2023)
MatchUpdateEntity extended with new property - subteam
MatchHeaderEntity extended with new property - vbpClassification
ScoutEventEntity extended with new property - pitchingSubstitution
ScoutOddsFieldEntity, ScoutOddsEntity, OddsSuggestionsEntity support has been removed

1.24.0 (9/22/2022)
LiveData update for Ice Hockey
ScoutEvent extended with new properties - positionPlayerPitching, freeKickReason.
Suspensions was replaced with new entity with powerplay under MatchUpdate.
MatchHeader extended with new properties - team1Division, team2Division.

1.23.0 (8/25/2022)
LiveData update for Basketball
ScoutEvent extended with new properties - Spot, HomePlayers, AwayPlayers, HappenedAt, ScoreTypeQualifier, ShotDistance, TippedTo, FoulTypeDescriptor, FoulTypeQualifier

1.22.0 (7/14/2022)
BM SDK config to use new endpoint for livedata replay server
Sport id and match id filters added to match list request

1.21.0 (2/16/2022)
LiveData update for Basketball
ScoutEvent extended with new methods for properties - HomePlayerStatsTotal, AwayPlayerStatsTotal, HomePlayerStatsP1,
AwayPlayerStatsP1, HomePlayerStatsP2, AwayPlayerStatsP2, HomePlayerStatsP3, AwayPlayerStatsP3, HomePlayerStatsP4, AwayPlayerStatsP4, HomePlayerStatsOt, AwayPlayerStatsOt, HomeTimeOnCourt, AwayTimeOnCourt
LiveData update for Baseball
ScoutEvent extended with new methods for properties - AtBatNumber, AtBatPitchNumber, BatBallDistance, BatBallX,
BatBallY, ExtraInfoKabaddi, FieldingPlayers, PreliminaryMatchStatistics, ActualMatchStatistics, HomeTeamStatsTotal, AwayTeamStatsTotal, HomeTeamStatsP1, AwayTeamStatsP1, HomeTeamStatsP2, AwayTeamStatsP2, HomeTeamStatsP3, AwayTeamStatsP3, HomeTeamStatsP4, AwayTeamStatsP4, HomeTeamStatsOt, AwayTeamStatsOt
LiveData - default production address changed to

1.20.0 (12/10/2021)
LiveData: added support for green cards (field hockey)

1.19.0 (11/26/2021)
Changed log level from error to warn when received xml has unexpected character(s) between nodes (processing continues as before)
Replaced dependent library reflection-maven (obsolete) with classpath
Fix: common folder did not clean up (settings was ignored)

1.18.0 (10/4/2021)
Live Data - new data points added to Ice Hockey
- added Players Time on Ice event
- added Attacking Players event
- added Premium Data Availability event
Added getUnavailablePlayersHome, getUnavailablePlayersAway to ScoutEventEntity
Added getHomeState, getAwayState and getVenue to MatchHeaderEntity

1.17.0 (8/18/2021)
Live Data: new data points added
- added property Fieldgoaldistance for American Football
- added property rounds per map for CS:GO
- improvement to stime handling

1.16.0 (5/17/2021)
LiveData: Added MatchUpdateEntity.getScores() to get list of scores (may contain sub-score) (11/19/2020)
LiveData update for NFL - new method ScoutEventEntity.getDriveInfoStatus (9/17/2020)
LiveData: added attributes for NFL and CS:GO (8/11/2020)
LiveOdds: Added new event status for MLB
LiveData: Added FormatType.RegularInnings
LiveData: Added support for new MLB match status (6/22/2020)
LiveData update for NFL Premium product
Added MatchProperties and MatchTeams to MatchUpdate
Added attributes for NFL Premium update - extended ScoutEventEntity (3/3/2020)
Fix: pitcherType was loaded from eventType (2/13/2020)
LiveData MatchHeaderEntity - added methods for ExtMatchId, Var, TeamMatch, TeamMatchId, IsCancelled
LiveData ScoutHeaderEntity - added methods for Uuid, PitchType, PitchSpeed, BattingAverages, BatBallSpeed, BatBallAngle, BatBallDirection, Structure, MonsterType, DragonType, WardsPlaced, ChampionDamage
Changing default pull intervals for LCoO to initial delay of 7s and regular delay of 12s
Fix: loading CoveredFrom enum from feed message
Fix: guard against null values in OutrightStatus.isLiteralValueEqual (3/13/2019)
LiveData update:
added property Order to the Player
added property MatchStatus to ScoutEvent
added property SportId to MatchHeader (1/24/2019)
Added NumberOfWinners property to the EventInfoEntity (10/17/2018)
Fix: updates LiveOdds schema to support zero TvChannels
Updated schemas for LiveData and LiveOdds (update 2018.5)
Added AFTER_GOLDEN_SET and AWAITING_GOLDEN_SET to match status enum (5/18/2018)
Added Lcoo invalid message log entry
In MatchHeader type of property Delivery changed from Team to Integer to support cricket values
Added value 1020-SurfaceType to EventType enum (3/26/2018)
New LiveScout properties(Goals, Behinds) (12/22/2017)
New LiveScout properties exposure (9/18/2017)
Enum EventType marked deprecated
Property type on ScoutEventEntity marked deprecated
Added typeId property to ScoutEventEntity
Fixed populating virtualGameId for virtual sports (8/29/2017)
Added EXTREME value in WeatherConditions enum
Added properties TouchdownType and ConversionType to ScoutEventEntity (7/31/2017)
Logback rolling policy file name pattern fix
Lcoo http client system properties support
Scouttest port change to 2047
Updated OddsCreator wsdl (added method getTennisMatchInfo) (5/30/2017)
* LiveOdds update:
- added statusId property on the EventHeaderEntity
* LiveScout update:
- added coverageStatusId property on the EventHeaderEntity
- added support for NetWorth and Gold on the MatchUpdateEntity
- fixed the exposure of innings, they are now exposed as a List
* Minor shading improvement
* Example updated with LiveOddsWithOutrights(VFC) (4/25/2017)
Upgraded logback library to version 1.2.3
3rd party libraries are shaded within jar (3/28/2017)
Fixed settings of VirtualGameId and RaceDayNumber in virtual sports
Added UniqueId to home and away team property (3/21/2017)
Added HomeCompetitors and AwayCompetitors to MatchInfo entity (1/31/2017)
To LiveOdds feed added CoveredFrom property (indicates whether the match is being covered from a television feed or the scout is at the match venue) (1/16/2017)
LCoO dispatches correctly even with multiple dispatcher threads (1/3/2017)
Dispatch outright status pack:true correctly
Workaround for wrong odds type in translation message for virtual feeds
Added DISPATCHER_FULL value to FeedEventType enum for OnFeedEvent
Read dispatcher settings also for LCoO (10/4/2016)
LiveOdds XSD has changed (10/3/2016)
LiveOdds/LiveScout 2016.5 release changes