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IMarketDescriptionManagerV1 Methods

The IMarketDescriptionManagerV1 type exposes the following members.

Public methodDeleteVariantMarketDescriptionFromCache Deletes the variant market description from cache
Public methodGetMarketDescriptionsAsync Asynchronously gets a IEnumerableT of all available static market descriptions
(Inherited from IMarketDescriptionManager)
Public methodGetMarketMappingAsync(Int32, IProducer) Asynchronously gets a IEnumerableT of available mappings for the provided marketId/producer combination
(Inherited from IMarketDescriptionManager)
Public methodGetMarketMappingAsync(Int32, IReadOnlyDictionaryString, String, IProducer) Asynchronously gets a IEnumerableT of available mappings for the provided marketId/producer combination
(Inherited from IMarketDescriptionManager)
Public methodLoadMarketDescriptionsAsync Asynchronously loads the invariant and variant list of market descriptions from the Sports API
(Inherited from IMarketDescriptionManager)
See Also