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IDraw Methods

The IDraw type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetLotteryIdAsync Asynchronously gets a URN representing id of the associated ILottery
Public methodGetNameAsync Asynchronously gets the name of the sport event
(Inherited from ISportEvent)
Public methodGetResultsAsync Asynchronously gets IEnumerableT list of associated IDrawResult
Public methodGetScheduledEndTimeAsync Asynchronously gets a DateTime instance specifying for when the sport event associated with the current instance is scheduled to end or a null reference if the value is not known
(Inherited from ISportEvent)
Public methodGetScheduledTimeAsync Asynchronously gets a DateTime instance specifying for when the sport event associated with the current instance is scheduled or a null reference if the value is not known
(Inherited from ISportEvent)
Public methodGetSportIdAsync Asynchronously gets a URN uniquely identifying the sport associated with the current instance
(Inherited from ISportEvent)
Public methodGetStatusAsync Asynchronously gets DrawStatus associated with the current instance
See Also