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IBookmakerDetails Interface

Defines a contract implemented by classes representing bookmaker information

Namespace: Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.Entities.REST
Assembly: Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.Entities.REST (in Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.Entities.REST.dll) Version: (
public interface IBookmakerDetails : IEntityPrinter

The IBookmakerDetails type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBookmakerId Gets the Sportradar's provided bookmaker id of the associated bookmaker
Public propertyExpireAt Gets a value specifying the bookmaker's token will expire
Public propertyMessage Gets an optional message associated with the current instance
Public propertyResponseCode Gets the response code of the server's response or a null reference
Public propertyServerTimeDifference Gets the server time difference
Public propertyVirtualHost Gets the virtual host which should be used when connecting to the AMQP broker
Public methodToString Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Inherited from IEntityPrinter)
Public methodToString(IFormatProvider) Returns a string that represents the current object
(Inherited from IEntityPrinter)
Public methodToString(String, IFormatProvider)Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format.
(Inherited from IEntityPrinter)
See Also