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ICurrentSeasonInfo Interface

Defines a contract implemented by classes providing information about current season

Namespace: Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.Entities.REST
Assembly: Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.Entities.REST (in Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.Entities.REST.dll) Version: (
public interface ICurrentSeasonInfo

The ICurrentSeasonInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCompetitors Gets the list of competitors
Public propertyCoverage Gets the ISeasonCoverage instance containing information about coverage available for the season associated with the current instance
Public propertyCurrentRound Gets the IRound specifying the current round of the tournament associated with the current instance
Public propertyEndDate Gets the end date of the season represented by the current instance
Public propertyGroups Gets the IEnumerableT specifying groups of tournament associated with the current instance
Public propertyId Gets a URN uniquely identifying the current season
Public propertyNames Gets a IReadOnlyDictionaryTKey, TValue containing names of the season in different languages
Public propertySchedule Gets the list of all ICompetition that belongs to the season schedule
Public propertyStartDate Gets the start date of the season represented by the current instance
Public propertyYear Gets a String representation of the current season year
Public methodGetName Gets the season name in the specified languages
See Also