UnifiedFeed SDK - NetStandard 2.1

Versions: (7/20/2023) recommended
Added support for new stage type SprintRace (4/26/2023)
Introduced OperationManager.MaxConnectionsPerServer property (in DI HttpClientHandler is created with setting MaxConnectionsPerServer)
Fixed lock issue when calling SportDataProvider.GetActiveTournamentsAsync repeatedly
Improved performance for market/outcome name generation
CustomBetManager respects configured ExceptionHandlingStrategy
BookingManager respects configured ExceptionHandlingStrategy
Fixed WNS API endpoints (removed /sports/ from url)
Optimized daily cache population of available sport and category data (does not delete any previous ones anymore)
Optimized execution of some internal async methods (2/20/2023)
Improved speed on API requests with high concurrency (1/26/2023)
IProducer extended with Scope property
Added support for group urn type
Changing API host for replay to non-global
Optimizing number of competitor or player profile api calls
Improvement so less chance the competition event returns null category
Improvement so less chance the competition event returns null tournament
Improved recovery retry on missing messages
Fix ignore fixture_change_fixture endpoint for virtual producers
Fix for competitor reference print (12/5/2022)
Fix configuration apiHost for replay environment
Fix merging of new sport and category which is not included in All tournaments for all sports endpoint (11/9/2022)
Enabled BookingStatus for stages fetches fixture
Fix for variant market descriptions (to ignore default static market description - effects playerprops markets)
Fix for fetching missing summary only if required (effects ILongTermEvent entities) (9/20/2022)
CustomBet - added support for calculate-filter endpoint (7/15/2022)
Improved API data distribution to SportEventCache
Setup that each API endpoint on critical path has its own HttpClient
Fix: recovery request url when configuring custom environment (6/2/2022)
Improvements for saving api data within caches (single item and for list of items)
Changed the timestamp for periodic deletion of old event from cache (to now-12h)
Improved logging format in LogHttpDataFetcher and SportDataProvider
Improved logging for exceptions and warnings
Added Age to FeedMessage string
Added isOpen to OddsFeed (4/26/2022)
Separate HttpClient for critical (summary, player profile, competitor profile and variant market description) and other requests
Added configuration option for fast HttpClient in OperationManager (default timeout 5s)
Extended ISportDataProvider with GetTimelineEventsAsync
Improved merging of competitor profile
Modified sliding expiration of profile cache items to avoid GC congestion
Improved how SportDataProvider is handling exceptions
Improved metrics and logging for raw data events
Improved metrics with app and system metrics
Added metrics for SemaphorePool
Fixed exception handling in DataRouterManager
Extended RawApiDataEventArgs with RequestParams, RequestTime and Language
Other minor improvements for observability (2/23/2022)
Added BetradarName to IRound
Fix: ICompetition competitors did not expose IsVirtual correctly (12/10/2021)
Added support for results in sportEventStatus received from api
Added new log messages during recovery requests
Improved how merging is done within Competitor
Improved connection recovery after long disconnect
Removed unneccessery locks in SportEventStatusCache
Fix: connecting to replay server with production token
Fix: some fields in raw feed message was not filled
Fix: throws exception if match, stage or draw not found exception happens (11/18/2021)
Improvements for connection resilience
Added event RecoveryInitiated to IOddsFeed
Added RabitConnectionTimeout and RabbitHeartbeat to OperationManager
Improved logging regarding connection and recovery process
Changed default UF environment from Integration to GlobalIntegration
Extended StageType with Run enum value
Fix: how connection is made
Fix: case when 2 rabbit connections are made
Fix: getting the names of category for simple_tournaments (10/6/2021)
Extended configuration with ufEnvironment attribute
Extended ITokenSetter and IEnvironmentSelector
New values added to SdkEnvironment enum (GlobalIntegration, GlobalProduction, ProxySingapore, ProxyTokyo) (9/9/2021)
Improved exporting/importing and merging of player profile data
Improved SemaphorePool handling
Improvement: when fetching non-cached fixture change endpoint fails due to server error, try also normal fixture endpoint
Improved tracking of last message timestamp per producer
Fix: DI for SportEventStatusCache
Fix: wrong max recovery time was used (now default is 1h)
Fix: issue with concurrency when getting missing languages for competitor profile
Fix: merging market mapping when no outcome mappings exists
Fix: how after parameter is checked when adjustAfterAge in config is set
Other minor improvements and bug fixes (7/23/2021)
IStage extended with getStatusAsync method providing IStageStatus and method for getting match status
Added Prologue value to StageType enum
Added improvement for connection recovery when disconnection happens
FIx: implemented safe release of all internal SemaphoreSlims
Fix: added handling of variant market description when different market id between requesting and received id (7/7/2021)
Fix: problem within SemaphorePool not acquiring new semaphore - waiting indefinitely
Fix: setting configuration via CustomConfigurationBuilder
Fix: exception with modified competitor players list (6/23/2021)
Added OperationManager to provide option to set sdk values
Added option to ignore sport event status from timeline endpoint for BetPal events (6/15/2021)
Added pitcher, batter, pitch_count, pitches_seen, total_hits, total_pitches to SportEventStatus.Properties
PeriodScore - match status code 120 mapped to penalties
Improved importing,exporting competitors
Improved getting competitor players
Fix: throwing exception when no market description received from API for variant markets (5/28/2021)
Extended IMatch with GetEventTimeline for single culture
IOutcomeProbabilities extended with property AdditionalProbabilities
IMarketWithProbabilities extended with MarketMetaData
Extended ITournament with GetScheduleAsync
Fix: Issue retrieving child stages from parent using GetStagesAsync() method
Fix: corrected which market description is returned for variant markets
Improvement: optimized fetching of player/competitor profiles (4/29/2021)
Added ISportDataProvider.GetPeriodStatusesAsync to fetch period summary for stages
Extended ICompetitionStatus with PeriodOfLadder
Added support for SportEventStatus PeriodOfLeader - added to Properties
Improved handling of outright market mappings (before for some markets there were no mappings returned)
Improved merging of Competitor data
Fix: IMarketWithOdds.GetValidMappings() returns incorrect results (4/7/2021)
Fix: parsing TeamStatistics for SportEventStatus (3/31/2021)
Added IEventChangeManager to IOddsFeed for periodical fixture and result change updates
Changed type of property ITimelineEvent.Player from IPlayer to IEventPlayer (breaking change)
Added IEventPlayer.Bench property in ITimelineEvent.Player property
Added IGoalScorer.Method in ITimelineEvent.GoalScorer property
Added property ICompetitor.ShortName
Added property IProductInfo.IsInLiveMatchTracker
Improved how internal cache sport event items handle competitor lists
Changed ExportableCurrentSeasonInfoCI, ExportableGroupCI, ExportableTournamentInfoCI to return Competitors ids as list of string instead of ExportableCompetitorCI
Improved caching of competitors data on tournaments, seasons
Reverted populating Round Name, GroupName and PhaseOrGroupLongName to exactly what is received from API
Updated FixtureChangeType - also if not specified in fixtureChange message returns FixtureChangeType.NA
Added period_of_leader to the SportEventStatus.Properties
Added StartTime, EndTime and AamsId to the IMarketMetaData
Improved connection handling when disconnected
Improved merging tournament groups (when no group name or id)
Added some logs for errors when using unaccepted token
Fix: WNS event ids can have negative value
Fix: merging tournament groups
Fix: TeamStatistics returned 0 when actually null
Fix: EventResult Home and Away Score could be returned as 0, when actually null
Fix: exporting/importing season data
Fix: resolution of dependencies - removed some Guard check (2/9/2021)
Added ISportDataProvider.GetLotteriesAsync
Improved translation of market names (upgraded library Humanizer to 2.8.26 and Dawn.Guard to 1.12.0)
Added support for eSoccer - returns SoccerEvent instead of Match
Added support for simple_team urn
Adding removal of obsolete tournament groups
Improved internal sdk processing. API calls for markets done only per user request.
Optimized feed message validation.
Fix: for a case when sdk does not auto recover after disconnect (12/15/2020)
Extended ILottery with GetDraws to return list of IDraw (not just ids)
Extended ISportDataProvider with GetSportEvent so also IDraw can be obtained
Fix: getting fixture from API when result is tournamentInfo
Fix: added removal of obsolete EventTimeline events
Fix: not getting tournament data for stages (12/4/2020)
Fix: getting ScheduleForDay endpoint when no events throw exception
Fix: missing totalStatistics in SoccerStatus.Statistics
Fix: soccer events not instance of ISoccerEvent
Fix: getting null fetching sport and parent stage info for stages (11/13/2020)
Added new stage types in StageType enum (Practice, Qualifying, QualifyingPart, Lap)
Added CashoutStatus to IMarketWithProbabilitiesV1
Fix: loading sportEventType and stageType from parent stage if available
Fix: IMarketWithOdds.GetMappedMarketIDsAsync() returns multiple mappings
Fix: exception casting TournamentInfoCI to StageCI (10/12/2020)
IRound - GroupName renamed to Group, added GroupName property (breaking change)
IStage - added GetAdditionalParentStages, GetStageType (breaking change - result changed from SportEventType to StageType)
IEventResult extended with Distance and CompetitorResults
ICompetition extended with GetLiveOdds and GetSportEventType property
Added Course to the IVenue
Added Coverage to IMatch
Improvements in recovery manager
Added support for markets with outcome_type=competitors
Make replay manager available before the feed is open
Improved connection error handling and reporting
Fix: exception thrown when there are no fixture changes
Fix: soccer events not instance of ISoccerEvent
Fix: entities null even though data is present on the API
Fix: event status enumeration (8/19/2020)
Extended SeasonInfo with startDate, endDate, year and tournamentId
FIx: special case when recovery status does not reflect actual state - results in wrong triggering ProducerUp-Down event
Fix: URN.TryParse could throw unhandled exception
Fix: several issues with CustomBet(Manager) fixed
Fix: Export-Import breaks on missing data
Fix: Lottery throws exception when no schedule is obtained from api
Fix: missing nodeId in snapshot_complete routing key
Fix: SportDataProvider.GetActiveTournaments returned null
Fix: SportEventCache: improved locking mechanism on period fetching of schedule for a date
Fix: reloading market description in case variant descriptions are not available
Improved logging of initial message processing (7/9/2020)
Added GetSportAsync() and GetCategoryAsync() to ICompetitor interface
Throttling recovery requests
Fix: support Replay routing keys without node id
Fix: calling Replay fixture endpoint with node id (6/24/2020)
Added support for configuring HTTP timeout
Added overloaded methods for fixture and result changes with filters
Updated supported languages
Removed logging of feed message for disabled producers
Exposed RawMessage on UnparsableMessageEventArgs
Changed retention policy for variant market cache
Improved reporting of invalid message interest combinations
Fix: Synchronized Producer Up/Down event dispatching
Fix: Disposing of Feed instance
Fix: Permanent failure to open connection to feed (5/11/2020)
Added FullName, Nickname and CountryCode to IPlayerProfile
Added support for result changes endpoint
IMatchStatus provide nullable Home and Away score (extended with IMatchStatusV1)
Fix: MaxRecoveryTime is properly used to check for timeouts (4/16/2020)
Added GetScheduleAsync to the BasicTournament
Added bookmakerId to the ClientProperties
Fix: fixture endpoint on Replay
Fix: refreshing categories after complete sport data cache reload (3/25/2020)
Changed Replay API URL (3/23/2020)
Fix: invalid timestamp for cashout probabilities
Fix: handle settlement markets without outcomes
Fix: EventRecoveryCompleted is properly raised when snapshot completes (3/16/2020)
Fix: added IOutcomeSettlement.OutcomeResult instead of IOutcomeSettlement.Result (obsolete)
Fix: competitor references for seasons
Fix: failing API requests on some configurations (2/18/2020)
Added State to the Competitor
Added State to the Venue
Extended ISportInfoProvider.DeleteSportEventFromCache with option to delete sport event status
Improved logging for connection errors
Improved fetching fixtures for Replay environment
Fix: calling variant endpoint only if user requests market data
Fix: NullPointerException in ReplayManager (1/15/2020)
Fix: DI error for FeedRecoveryManager (1/14/2020)
Added new Replay API endpoints (FEEDSDK-1316)
Updated DemoProject to use ILoggerFactory
Added metrics to SpecificEntityWriter in DemoProject
Fix: fetching outcome mappings for special markets that exists only on dynamic variant endpoint (FEEDSDK-1314) (1/6/2020)
Port of UF SDK to .NET Standard 2.1
Replaced Metrics.NET with App.Metrics
Replaced Code.Contracts with Dawn.Guard conditions
Replaced Common.Logging with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
Upgraded RabbitMQ.Client to v5.1.2
Upgraded Newtonsoft.Json to v12.0.3
Upgraded Unity to 5.11.3
Removed obsolete methods and properties
Merged V1, V2, ... extended interfaces into base one