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ILiveScoutOnMatchUpdate Event

Signals that a match update message was received. There are three types of match information messages: full match feed, delta match feed and delta update feed (see MatchHeader.TypeOfFeed). All three can contain statistical information as well as individual events (an event being a goal, card, etc.).

When a client application subscribes to a match, it will receive a full match update immediately after (given the subscription was successful). This message will contain all data for the match. Different event types are offered for different sports. Note that new event types will be added in the future.

After a full match update is received, most updates will be sent as delta updates. In these messages only the new data is sent, if a yellow card is given only this event will be sent. In addition summary data will be sent for the event type in question, i.e. the total number of yellow cards for the home/away team for the match.

If an existing event is changed, a delta update is sent for this event. E.g. a yellow card event is entered, and 1 minute later the event is updated by including which player got the card. Client must consider this as an update to an existing event, and not a new event (based on Event Id property).

Namespace: Sportradar.SDK.FeedProviders.LiveScout
Assembly: LiveScoutFeedProvider (in LiveScoutFeedProvider.dll) Version:
event EventHandler<MatchUpdateEventArgs> OnMatchUpdate


See Also