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IReplayManagerV2 Interface

Defines a contract implemented by classes capable of interacting with Replay Server

Namespace: Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.API
Assembly: Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.API (in Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.API.dll) Version: (
public interface IReplayManagerV2 : IReplayManagerV1, 

The IReplayManagerV2 type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddMessagesToReplayQueue Adds event {eventId} to the end of the replay queue
(Inherited from IReplayManager)
Public methodGetAvailableScenarios Gets a list of available replay scenarios
(Inherited from IReplayManager)
Public methodGetEventsInQueue Gets the events in replay queue.
(Inherited from IReplayManager)
Public methodGetReplayEventsInQueue Gets list of replay events in queue.
Public methodGetStatusOfReplay Return the status of player. Possible values are: player is playing, player is stopped, player was never playing.
(Inherited from IReplayManager)
Public methodRemoveEventFromReplayQueue Removes the event from replay queue
(Inherited from IReplayManager)
Public methodStartReplay(Int32, Int32, NullableInt32, NullableBoolean) Start replay the event from replay queue. Events are played in the order they were played in reality
(Inherited from IReplayManager)
Public methodStartReplay(Int32, Int32, NullableInt32, NullableBoolean, NullableBoolean) Start replay the event from replay queue. Events are played in the order they were played in reality
(Inherited from IReplayManagerV1)
Public methodStartReplayScenario Starts playing a predefined scenario
(Inherited from IReplayManager)
Public methodStopAndClearReplay Stop the player if it is currently playing and clear the replay queue. If player is already stopped, the queue is cleared.
(Inherited from IReplayManager)
Public methodStopReplay Stop the player if it is currently playing. If player is already stopped, nothing will happen.
(Inherited from IReplayManager)
See Also