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ReplayFeed Class

A IOddsFeed implementation acting as an entry point to the odds feed Replay Service for doing integration tests against played matches that are older than 48 hours
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.API
Assembly: Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.API (in Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.API.dll) Version: (
public class ReplayFeed : Feed

The ReplayFeed type exposes the following members.

Public methodReplayFeed Initializes a new instance of the ReplayFeed class
Public propertyBookingManager Gets a IBookingManager instance used to perform various booking calendar operations
(Inherited from Feed)
Public propertyBookmakerDetails Gets a IBookmakerDetails instance used to get info about bookmaker and token used
(Inherited from Feed)
Public propertyCashOutProbabilitiesProvider Gets theICashOutProbabilitiesProvider instance used to retrieve cash out probabilities for betting markets
(Inherited from Feed)
Public propertyCustomBetManager Gets a ICustomBetManager instance used to perform various custom bet operations
(Inherited from Feed)
Public propertyEventChangeManager Gets a IEventChangeManager instance used to automatically receive fixture and result changes
(Inherited from Feed)
Public propertyEventRecoveryRequestIssuer Gets a IEventRecoveryRequestIssuer instance used to issue recovery requests to the feed
(Inherited from Feed)
Public propertyMarketDescriptionManager Gets a IMarketDescriptionManager instance used to get info about available markets, and to get translations for markets and outcomes including outrights
(Inherited from Feed)
Public propertyProducerManager Gets a IProducerManager instance used to retrieve producer related data
(Inherited from Feed)
Public propertyReplayManager The replay manager for interaction with xReplay Server
Public propertySportDataProvider Gets a ISportDataProvider instance used to retrieve sport related data from the feed
(Inherited from Feed)
Public methodClose Closes the current Feed instance and disposes resources used by it
(Inherited from Feed)
Public methodCreateBuilder Constructs and returns a new instance of IOddsFeedSessionBuilder
(Inherited from Feed)
Protected methodDispatchT(EventHandlerT, T, FeedMessage) Dispatches the

(Inherited from EntityDispatcherBase)
Protected methodDispatchT(EventHandlerT, T, String, Int32) Raises the specified event
(Inherited from EntityDispatcherBase)
Public methodDispatchConnectionException Dispatches the information that the exception was thrown in connection loop The information about the exception
(Inherited from Feed)
Public methodDispose Disposes the current instance and resources associated with it
(Inherited from Feed)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) Disposes the current instance and resources associated with it
(Inherited from Feed)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodInitFeed Initializes the feed (unity)
(Overrides FeedInitFeed)
Public methodIsOpen Returns an indicator if the feed instance is opened or not
(Inherited from Feed)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodOpen Opens the current feed by opening all created sessions
(Inherited from Feed)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodUpdateDependency Option to change/update dependency injection before resolving resources
(Inherited from Feed)
Public eventClosed Occurs when feed is closed
(Inherited from Feed)
Public eventConnectionException Occurs when an exception occurs in the connection loop
(Inherited from Feed)
Public eventDisconnected Raised when the current instance of IOddsFeed loses connection to the feed
(Inherited from Feed)
Public eventEventRecoveryCompleted Occurs when a requested event recovery completes
(Inherited from Feed)
Public eventProducerDown Raised when the current IOddsFeed instance determines that the IProducer associated with the odds feed went down
(Inherited from Feed)
Public eventProducerUp Raised when the current IOddsFeed instance determines that the IProducer associated with the odds feed went up (back online)
(Inherited from Feed)
Public eventRecoveryInitiated Occurs when a recovery initiation completes
(Inherited from Feed)
Protected fieldFeedInitialized The feed initialized
(Inherited from Feed)
Protected fieldUnityContainer A IUnityContainer used to resolve
(Inherited from Feed)
See Also