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ILiveOddsCommonBase Properties

The ILiveOddsCommonBase type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAvailableTranslations Language codes of the currently available translations.
(Inherited from ILiveFeeds)
Public propertyIsConnectionStable Is the current connection stable enough to accept bets safely?
Public propertyLastAliveMessage Get time when the last alive message from the server was received.
(Inherited from ILiveFeeds)
Public propertyLastServerMessage Get time when the last message from the server was received. This includes alive messages that are periodically sent.
(Inherited from ILiveFeeds)
Public propertyServerTime Get approximate server time.
(Inherited from ILiveFeeds)
Public propertySubscribedEvents All event ids we are currently subscribed to.
(Inherited from ILiveFeeds)
See Also